
Thursday, August 30, 2018

As you grow, you will most definitely ask the question, who am I?  And the world we live in is full of people that are more than willing to try and tell you exactly who you are and what you are meant to be. 

Some may say you are like an object or an empty entity and that it doesn’t matter how you look or can be used.  You will be treated as though you are meaningless. 

Then there may be others who will say you are whoever you want to be and that nothing should ever stand in your way or prevent you from doing what you want.  You will be treated as though you are a god. 

Then there is you and your own heart and you will undoubtedly fluctuate between the two differences, going back and forth between pride and self-indulgence.  Eventually these voices will collide, your heart will feel like an insufferable storm as you slowly sink by their discouragement, or become entrapped by their praise.  You will encounter these conflicting ideas and you will feel hopelessness.  It may feel like even the slightest glimpse of truth is unattainable. 

Well let me tell you, none of those voices speak truth.  Not from the altering ideas of the world or even the ideas in your own heart.  Reading this, maybe you’re thinking, who do you think you are to tell me all of this?  Simple.  I’m just like you.  I’ve asked that same question. I’ve dealt with the same troubles.  But do you know who answered my question?  My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He did.  And his answer stands firm in the center of this sea of conflict.  He can answer you too, if you’re willing to listen. 

I’m only a teenager, and I most certainly do not have my life all figured out yet.  But I know a few truths, so let me share them with you. 

You were created.  This means you matter and that you are not the center of your world or anyone else’s.  You were brought into this earth by a powerful being and your purpose here is to bring glory to Him and serve Him. 

The God who created you, also bled for you.  He died for you.  For you. This means you are loved magnificently and you will never be able to understand or comprehend the love He has for you.  This also means you are not perfect.  You were bought with God’s blood therefore you are not your own, and hard things will be expected of you, sometimes things that seem impossible and it will require humility, sacrifice and pain but I assure you it is worth it.  Trust me, He is worth it. 

The world will try and force you to become one of their own, but it’s a trap and you need to resist.  Instead imagine two hands; hands with nails pierced right through them, hands that molded you into existence intentionally and lovingly, with a purpose in mind.    

When the world is trying to lure you into becoming one of them don’t listen.  Listen to the voice of God instead.  Find your worth in Him, not from this world or the things of this world. 

Sometimes, life takes us to unexpected places.  We may have hopes and dreams, have everything planned out, but God may choose a different path for us to take.  You need to be ready and willing to trust who He is.  Trust His decisions for you, because you and I both know He knows what’s best.   

The world may tell you to do whatever makes you happy, but remember the body that hung from a cross for your imperfection.  Follow Him, even if it means doing the hardest things imaginable. 

If the world declares your strength, don’t be afraid to admit your weaknesses and hold onto His strength that never fails. 

And when the world calls you worthless, remember He calls you worthy. 

Friends, I know who you are.  You are men and women, young and old, created by God in His image, bought with a price and designed to accomplish good works and bring Him glory, forever.  Hand your life over to Him.  Walk with Him, and take courage.  He will carry you above the waves of this raging sea we dare to call life.       


We are all on a journey, eagerly anticipating what path to take next.  While we continue to get through life, whether it be easy or hard, let’s use our voices.  Let’s use the words the Lord has placed in our hearts and change the world, as we continue to grow in Christ and advance in the truth.  So let’s grab God’s hand and go where He leads us.   

Welcome to my blog.  :)  


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